harmony (2)

Old Woman's Reply

Old Woman's Reply

"Back to the shoe?" You'll never catch me,
Domination? Dominion? That's his-story.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" i grimace. Your shoes squeeze and sting!
Life doesn't make sense, if i cannot sing!

Trying to fit in, something always felt wrong,
In the molds others made, i would never belong.

Mom always said: "If the shoe fits, wear it."
But what of the wild foot? Why not grin and "bare" it?

For naked they come and naked they go,
Stepping first with front paw, and littlest toe.

Touching down onto earth, my feet spring and prance,
Awakened, once more, in exuberant dance.

Now, with stick and with stone, and tree-weaving ropes,
i yield to the land, amid rising hopes.

Together, in harmony, we'll sing in the land,
For a culture of peace, please give me your hand...

And your hand, and your hand, please hear the call,
Each piece of the peace, we are gathering all,

To tell the new story, to sing the new song,
Our voices as ONE, now, we foot our way hOMe.

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Peace in the 'Hood'

Not surprising to me that neighborly (and family) relations come up early on when we step forward for Peace and Global Harmony. As soon as I signed on to this pilgrimage, a "war" broke out in my neighborhood. Guess what? It was over the use and maintenance of a road that we all share in common. I took it as a test of my commitment to cleanse and free myself of habits that would inhibit or block the peace that is who I am and what I feel I am about in this life. It was an opportunity to stand more firmly in my own Truth.

Some folks get very nervous at the mere thought of "peace ON earth," the very soil between their toes. It's the "ownership" thing: mine as opposed to yours - roads, nations, religions, racial/cultural traditions. Removing the artificial boundaries, that is, baring our soles and our souls, we soon realize that we own nothing. We're the visitors, here; it's both humbling and rewarding to take our place in the natural order of things, joyfully acknowledging and welcoming the diversity that is LIFE. Lightening up, the downturn of the grimace becomes an upturning grin, disarmingly irresistible and engaging.

Hey, try it in the mirror! Now, bring it into the land and the 'hood.'
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