Our latest research report, the Pillars of Peace, explores the attitudes and institutions that underpin peaceful societies.
10 Sep 2013
The Pillars of Peace is the latest ground breaking research from the Institute for Economics and Peace. The Pillars of Peace Report provides a new conceptual framework for understanding and describing the factors that are associated with peaceful societies. The research is based on an analysis of over 4,000 data sets, surveys and indices; it is the first empirical framework that aims to measure positive peace.
The Pillars of Peace describe the attitudes, institutions and structures that are associated with peaceful societies.
The research defines 8 key Pillars that underpin peace; these Pillars are both interdependent and mutually reinforcing, meaning that the relative strength of any one Pillar has the potential to either positively or negatively influence peace.
These Pillars are: a well functioning government, a sound business environment, an equitable distribution of resources, an acceptance of the rights of others, good relations with neighbours, free flow of information, a high level of human capital, and low levels of corruption.
Measuring positive peace
Peace is not just the absence of violence, it is much more. Peace is best understood through the concepts of "positive peace" and "negative peace". Negative peace is the absence of violence or the fear of violence; it is the definition of peace that we use in the Global Peace Index (GPI). Positive peace is the attitudes, institutions and structures, that when strengthened, lead to peaceful societies.
The Pillars of Peace has been developed to measure the positive peace factors that create peaceful societies. These same positive peace factors are positively associated with development outcomes, and the flourishing of human potential.
Launch of the Pillars of Peace Report
The Pillars of Peace report will be launched on the 10th of September with a panel discussion at the United Nations in Geneva. The discussion will use the report as a basis to explore a new approach for increasing resilience and well-being, and the necessity for positive peace to be included on the post-2015 development agenda.
Contact us
Vision of Humanity is an initiative of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP). IEP have offices in New York and Sydney. For more specific inquiries related to the peace indexes and research, please contact IEP directly.
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