1778 N. River Rd., Cosmopolis, WA
We change the world as we transform ourselves with songs of light, love, peace on earth, and goodwill to all beings.
What is Singing Alive?
Now in its 4rd year, Singing Alive is about bringing people together who feel called to awaken, and nuture their spiritual life thru communion with songs (and prayers, chants, blessings, and so om) of celebration of life in this benevolent universe. Such songs clarify our lives, strengthen our communities, and foster personal and planetary renewal. At Singing Alive we gather to share them, and ourselves, in a safe, welcoming environment. Our goal is to open hearts, and the songs are the keys. These songs are multi-cultural, coming to us from many eras and lands far and near.
Together they tell a perennial story, a Gaian dharma, so often forgotten, yet so joyfully remembered, of the Great work of spiritual evolution, of earth-conscious living and peaceful co-existence. By
singing this story we come home to Ourselves and perform the Dream of re-Creation we have so longed to live. Singing Alive is intended to hold space for this Dream to emerge and manifest, to give people the resources, and support for this initiatory transition we are ALL, consciously or not, with grace or in denial, going thru.
The old paradigms of domination, exploitation, and war are fitfully, yet inexorably, crumbling, and a new genre of songs have (re)emerged that reflect and celebrate the new paradigm of love, light, and the pursuit of blissful service to the world. By engaging our hearts in song, we help actualize this paradigm in ourselves and the collective. This is subtle activism, nourishment for a spiritually hungry world.
Our intent is to invite singers and musicians who can share songs of this genre, which work in the format of communal singing. This is not an entertainer / audience gathering; ‘rather it is a participatory event, a co-prayformance, where we all sing together, and work together to make this happen. Those who don’t think they can sing are encouraged to come and claim the birthright of a singing species!!
Voice & Breathwork
Dances of Universal Peace
Playing Musical Instruments
Bardic Legacies and Storytelling
Creating & Sharing Songbooks & Songbook
Art Whole-Group
Singing Circles & Small Song-Circles
Midwiving New Languages & Reclaiming the Ancient Ones
Song Traditions (Song Tribes) Rainbow, African, Shamanic, Daime, Orisha, Osho, Native American, Amma, Sufi, Gospel, Kirtan, and omward . . .
Song Themes and Invocations
World Peace, God/Goddess Exaltations, the Elements, Fairies & Devas,
Blessings, Gratitude, Grief & Praise, Planetary Acupuncture, Human Flowering, Children Circles,
Harmonic Toning, & Song On
This gathering was conceived on July 16, 2005 by Michael Pilarski (Skeeter) & Morgan Brent (M.T. Xen). Skeeter is a wildcrafter and gardener, permaculturalist, educator, and the founder of many
gatherings, such as the Okanagon Barter Faire, the Northwest Herbal Faire, and the Human & Fairy Relations Congress. M.T. is an educator, organizer and song enthusiast who specializes in
prescriptive teachings of medicinal plants (Nature’s plan to save humans). He shares these teachings through Creation-story style sacred song circles.
What is the key to untie the knot of the mind’s suffering?
Benevolent thought, sound, and movement.
The Gft, 14th-century Sufi poet Hafiz