Hey folks - Wondering about the possibility of adding a "Groups" feature, in particular so that the people who are members of the SingPeace NING site who were also at the Whidbey Island BePeace training can connect and discuss how they/we are using BePeace in our lives, our work, etc.
Admins, what do you think?
Thanks for considering it - Becca
Greetings and love Becca!
I like your idea of a "Groups page." At the moment, .ning has changed their policy. They charge for an upgrade in features. We may or may not stay with them???
Mike Hurwicz is in the process of revamping the SingPeace! website. He's going to establish a central SingpPeace.org website that will link us to all kinds of valuable resources, including the SingPeace! social networking site, BePeace, audios and events.
I've made Mike an Administrator. Would you like to be one, too? Than you could view the various applications and make suggestions? I'm all for collaboration, and so is Mike.
Julie has asked how musicians can share their music. .ning eliminated the audio and events functions when they insituted their new policies. We can either upgrade the .ning site, or move to another. I know of several good audio services that we can link to, as well.
I've spoken to Mike about Jeff Vander Clute whom we met last spring. He's a whizz at database creation - the kind you can sort and filter at will. Jeff is also a "peacenik," and very principled. When we're ready, I think he can help us develop and maintain a database. I'd love to see us become a truly interactive community!
I had a long conversation, tonight, with Mike. He'd like take this on as a project. No small offering! We're in good hands!
Let me know if and how you'd like to participate!
love and blessings,