Dear Friends,

Namaste. Thank you so much for taking time during your busy weekend to support The Yoga Lodge through your actual or energetic presence. Hosting Pushkara’s home-coming, having her exquisite gypsy wagon and talented singers from SingPeace! on site was a true privilege. The songs for peace and global harmony, as well as the activities with the barefoot sensei not only inspired joy, and respect but strengthened our connection to the earth and to community. Most importantly we were able to follow through on promises made to our neighbors and invite them to participate in a more peaceful dialogue. I hope this is the beginning of a shift in our neighborhood toward greater harmony which reverberates well beyond the ‘middle island’ of Whidbey. Ten thousand thank yous to each of you………………….

With Love,


Wendy Dion

The Yoga Lodge on Whidbey Island


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