Huckleberry, I just posted a video of Paul Samets, mycologist, on the SingPeace! website. Please take a look at it and let me know what you think.
Peace & blessings,
Huck, here's a source of fruit trees. See my earlier post. Would you take a look at them, too? Fruit Tree Planting Foundation: The other group, I've gotten trees from is Arbor Day Foundation:
My thought, here is that urban and suburb-dwellers might go more for fruit and nut trees. We want them along with the conifers. What advice can you give us?
Aloha, Huck,
Talk to me of the trees, will you? Sniffing out this nonprofit organization: They may be a good local source for a tree-planting and tracking ongoing effort of SingPeace! to get trees back in clear cut and deforested areas. It's also a potential income generator for SingPeace! Will you take a look-see and let us know what you think? Their season is almost over; I'd like to get in on purchase of bareroot and spring plugs. Thanks, Pushkara
Greetings, Huckleberry,
I've tried to play your music on the SingPeace! website. It won't play. I don't know what the hitch is. Maybe the format. Do you want to try an MP3? Is an MP4 a video? If so we can move it to videos? We'd love to have it posted, here.
We can consult Rob Tobias or Sara Tone. They got theirs rolling.
Huckleberry! Welcome to the SingPeace! Earth Pilgrimage! We'd love for you to post some of your music and anything else you'd like to share with us. Looking forward to spending time with you as we make this journey together.
Peace & blessings,
My thought, here is that urban and suburb-dwellers might go more for fruit and nut trees. We want them along with the conifers. What advice can you give us?
Talk to me of the trees, will you? Sniffing out this nonprofit organization: They may be a good local source for a tree-planting and tracking ongoing effort of SingPeace! to get trees back in clear cut and deforested areas. It's also a potential income generator for SingPeace! Will you take a look-see and let us know what you think? Their season is almost over; I'd like to get in on purchase of bareroot and spring plugs. Thanks, Pushkara
I've tried to play your music on the SingPeace! website. It won't play. I don't know what the hitch is. Maybe the format. Do you want to try an MP3? Is an MP4 a video? If so we can move it to videos? We'd love to have it posted, here.
We can consult Rob Tobias or Sara Tone. They got theirs rolling.