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  • Now, then, when you can. But APRIL is a GREAT month. We could use your help, your VOICE, your SPIRIT. Others are coming, then. You will see what it's becoming. Can you come for, say, 5 days? A week? I want you to SHARE and EXPERIENCE with us what this is and is becoming! Last night, I participated in an all women's sweat lodge "for the Grandmothers," and our own matrilinial ancestry led by Frank Iron Eagle. Powerful cleansing and healing process. Frank says, "The Grandmothers have the last word, and they want to be heard." Do you have my regular email? See what dates you can come up with and we'll go from there!
    Peace & blessings,
  • Hi, Bee,
    I'm hearing the music of a very strong March wind, this morning. Thinking of you singing the Requiem while sending blessings for you, your Mom and family as the anniversary nears.

    As for SingPeace! and the Earth PIlgrimage, now that the wagon is at "home" on Whidbey, the reality of this undertaking also comes "home" to me, to us. I'm outfitting the interior, working out hitches in the trailer and towing system - each truck is different, and looking for a permanent tow vehicle, on that is consistent with the intention of a small, sustainable "footprint." You could say this is "shake-down" time. For now, our plan is to focus deeply on local and regional gatherings, building a base for further outreach. That's a change from my first thought of long distance travel. The latter will happen in time, but we time and the local support in the forming and crafting of the pilgrimage. We will continue to post here on this site. I need to do more blogging as much is happening that I haven't had time to write about.
    Peace and blessings to you,
  • Hi there!
    This photo was taken in the courtyard of a Buddhist temple in Bangkok. All the colorful prayer ribbons wrapped around the trunk made me feel happy and peaceful amid the bustling city outside the walls.
  • Beautiful Bee,
    SingPeace! Earth Pilgrimage is honored to have you join us on the journey! Today, we are looking at how to craft a "culture of peace" that folks can take home from our events to employ in their everyday lives. Each event, each person who steps onto this path informs our next steps. I love you and so look forward to hearing more from you about your journey!
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